Banks’ Work in Rock Springs Recognized by UW College of Business

Banks’ Work in Rock Springs Recognized by UW College of Business

A rotating display at the Peter M. and Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center at the University of Wyoming recognizes College of Business alumni who are working to improve their communities. Chad Banks, the manager of the Rock Springs Main Street and Urban Renewal Agency, was one of the five recognized this year. Courtesy photo.

ROCK SPRINGS — A champion of Rock Springs’ downtown is being recognized for his contributions to the city as part of a revolving display curated by the University of Wyoming’s College of Business.

Chad Banks is one of the five alumni recognized and has worked to improve Rock Springs for years. He works as the manager of the Rock Springs Main Street and Urban Renewal Agency and has previously served as a representative in the Wyoming Legislature and a councilman on the Rock Springs City Council. He earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing in 1991 from the College of Business. After working in Casper, he returned to Rock Springs in 1999 to work as the marketing director for the Sweetwater County Events Complex, a position he held for 15 years.

Sena Krula, the Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for the College of Business said the display is changeed out each year at the Peter M. and Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center. The director of the center chooses a theme each year, with this year being focused on alumni who have made an impact on Wyoming communities. Krula said they wanted to showcase alumni who either stayed in Wyoming and worked to improve their communities, or those that had left and came back to Wyoming. Looking through potential candidates to recognize in Sweetwater County, Banks’ accomplishments allowed him to easily stand out.

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“Chad was a prefect fit because of what he has done for Rock Springs,” Krula said.

Banks joins alumni Amber Simon-Power, Jennifer Moore, Jim Shellenberger, and Melanie Urwiller in being recognized at the success center. The displays will be up until late April and the honorees will receive their displays following a dinner honoring them.

Banks told SweetwaterNOW the recognition is humbling, and he’s honored to have been selected for the success center’s display.