City Council votes to fill vacant URA Director position

City Council votes to fill vacant URA Director position

ROCK SPRINGS – After the exit of Urban Renewal Agency Director Jeff Pedersen, the Rock Springs City Council met to discuss the URA and give permission to fill the vacancy.

The first order of business was to fill the director position. The public works department made the request to the city council to fill the position. The council unanimously voted to fill the void. There was no discussion of this motion.

After the meeting, Human Resource Manager Kara Beech spoke to SweetwaterNOW to discuss what will happen next. She explained the city will start advertising the position first thing Wednesday morning. Beech also added the city has to advertise the position for at least five days by policy.

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There is no deadline to fill the position, only that it has to be advertised for five days. Beech said some positions fill quickly and other positions take some time to fill. She said the city will advertise until they get quality applications.

The second part of the meeting dealt with a new ordinance which involved the job description of the URA Director. The special meeting was the first reading of the description. It has to go through three readings before the council will vote on the ordinance.

Mayor Carl Demshar said they are looking for someone with a background in old building restoration. Also, the person should be capable of scheduling events for the Broadway Theater and have a marketing background.

“We are looking for someone who is aggressive but who is also a team player,” Demshar said. “We want somebody who is excited to recruit new business to the downtown.”

Beech agreed with Demshar on the qualifications. She said they really need a dynamic  individual who has a passion for Rock Springs and who thinks outside the box.