SWEETWATER COUNTY – The Sweetwater County commissioners continue grappling with the budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year and will host two budget reviews Tuesday afternoon.
The commissioners will host a workshop scheduled to take place at 1 p.m., planning to review the upcoming fiscal year’s funding requests and capital funding requests.
The commissioners will also consider a consent agenda that will approve several requests to staff vacant positions in the county clerk’s office, the sheriff’s office and the parks and recreation department and would ratify comments from the Coalition of Local Governments for Exxon Mobil’s CO2 disposal well application, an evaluation report for the Rawlins Resource Management Plan and the Greater Sage Grouse Draft RMP Amendment.
Like the Rock Springs City Council will consider Tuesday night, the commissioners will determine if the county supports grant and loan request resolutions for the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport through the Wyoming Business Council. Presentations about the resolutions are scheduled to be given by Airport Director Devon Brubaker.
The meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the Sweetwater County Courthouse in Green River. Meetings are open to the public and are streamed on the county’s YouTube Channel. A full agenda packet can be found here.