Commissioners Select Three People for SEDC Board

Commissioners Select Three People for SEDC Board

SWEETWATER COUNTY– The Sweetwater County Commissioners selected three individuals to be on the Sweetwater County Economic Development Coalition board during last week’s meeting.

The commissioners selected Commissioner Lauren Schoenfeld, Sweetwater County Land Use Director Eric Bingham, and Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport Director Devon Brubaker. Marty Carollo, All West Communication, was selected as an alternate.

With this being the start of the SEDC board, Commissioner Randy Wendling, who serves as liaison, said he would like for there to be a county commissioner on the board.

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As Schoenfeld emphasized the importance of economic development while she was in the running for the commissioner position, Wendling believed she would be a good fit. She also has a good amount of background in economic development.

Wendling also suggested Eric Bingham, as he is involved in the Middle Baxter Road project, which has potential to be a major area for economic development.

Other names Wendling suggested included were Carollo and John Hay. Schoenfeld suggested Brubaker, Todd Redman, and Jenissa Meredith.

Johnson once again compared SEDC to the Sweetwater Economic Development Association (SWEDA).

“I see this going down that same path,” Johnson said of SEDC following the direction SWEDA went.

Wendling said SEDC is taking steps to ensure they do not become SWEDA, but he believed the Cities of Rock Springs and Green River and the County should receive monthly reports from the board to stay aware of what the board is doing.

Johnson spoke in support of Economically Needed Diversity Options (ENDOW) for Wyoming and said that SEDC should be working on projects that align with ENDOW.