SWEETWATER COUNTY — United Way of Southwest Wyoming (UWSW) is hosting a diaper drive for National Diaper Need Awareness Week. Diapers and wipes can be dropped off at Sweetwater County Libraries in Rock Springs and Green River, Union Wireless locations and the UWSW office September 23 through October 4, 2019.
Diapers are a basic necessity required for all babies to reach their full potential, yet one in three U.S. families struggle to provide enough diapers for their baby. Communities across Southwest Wyoming are taking part in the 8th annual National Diaper Need Awareness Week, September 23 – 29, 2019, to help end diaper need in the U.S.
An often hidden consequence of poverty, diaper need impacts the physical, mental and economic well-being of children and families in our community.
Led by the National Diaper Bank Network, the United Way Community Diaper Bank of Southwest Wyoming is working with individuals, community organizations, and elected officials to help get clean diapers to babies who need them.
Mayors of the cities of Rock Springs and Green River, as well as the Governor of Wyoming, have issued proclamations recognizing National Diaper Need Awareness Week, as well as the vital work of diaper bank programs supporting children and families.
In 2018, UWSW distributed 59,890 diapers through their partnership with the Food Bank of Sweetwater County. “Currently, our Community Diaper Bank is seeing about a 22 percent increase in distributions for this year,” said Shelly Richno, Community Impact Coordinator of UWSW, “Our Community Diaper Bank helps families close the diaper gap. It provides diapers when families fall short.”
“All families should have an adequate supply of diapers for their children,” said Joanne Goldblum, founder and CEO of the National Diaper Bank Network. “National Diaper Need Awareness Week recognizes that small things affect big things. Diapers Matter. And, for families in need, diaper banks frequently provide the only resources available to help moms, dads, grandparents and other caregivers obtain the diapers needed to keep a child healthy.”
Of families in diaper need, three-in-five parents (57 percent) miss work or school due to a lack of sufficient diapers required by childcare, day care or early education programs to care for a baby or toddler. As a result, parents experiencing diaper need missed an average of four days of work or school in the past month (source: Diaper Need and Its Impact on U.S. Families, 2017).
Seventy-three percent of all families feel they’re not being good parents when their children are left too long in dirty diapers, while one-in-three household in need experience feeling stressed or overwhelmed by diapering always or often (source: Diaper Need and Its Impact on U.S. Families, 2017).
“By working together we can ensure that all babies have access to clean diapers and other basic necessities required for them to thrive and reach their full potential. We invite you to get involved. Be a part of the growing movement of diaper bank leaders, advocates, and individuals across the U.S.,” said Richno.
More information on the Community Diaper Bank of Southwest Wyoming and diaper need is available at swunitedway.org and facebook.com/unitedwaysw.