Wyoming Game and Fish needs your thoughts on wildlife.
Comment now and make a difference.
CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s major project to gather input from the public to chart a path for the future of Wyoming’s wildlife is continuing with a series of public meetings.
Anyone can get involved and offer comments on wildlife and the Game and Fish Department as part of the project.
Beginning in January, a random telephone survey of residents and nonresidents started.
But given the importance of this issue, Game and Fish is providing two more ways to ensure that we hear from as many members of the public as possible.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has created different ways for involvement.
- Public Meetings – These are occurring between February 5-10 around WY. A meeting in Green River will take place on Wednesday, February 7, Western Wyoming Community College, Green River Center, room 206, 6-9 pm. A third-party facilitator will run these meetings, share the results of the phone surveys, and collect feedback from participants.
- Online Forum – Visit https://www.wildlifeforum.org/ to share your thoughts on important issues related to Wyoming’s wildlife, hunting, fishing, programs, and other topics that are of interest to you. This website will be available until June 2018.
All of the public input will shape a first-of-its-kind strategic plan that will be used by Game and Fish for years to come – influencing how Wyoming’s fisheries, wildlife, and public programs are managed.
“This is your chance to drive the future of Wyoming’s wildlife,” said Scott Talbott, director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “We want to offer as many opportunities to be involved so we hope you will attend a meeting or comment online.”
Based on public input the last time this kind of project was done, over 20 years ago, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department created the Access Yes program.
Today, partnerships have been built and many enjoy access to previously inaccessible lands.
In addition, the Information and Education branch was created that has resulted in improved programming and outreach opportunities throughout the Cowboy State.
Game and Fish will build the strategic plan between March and June of 2018.
Game and Fish has partnered with Responsive Management, a survey research firm specializing in capturing and analyzing public opinions toward natural resources and outdoor recreation, and The Cooperation Company, a firm specializing in strategic and operational planning for this significant project.
“You can make a difference and help set the course for wildlife in Wyoming by participating,” said Talbott.
As the agency leading wildlife management in Wyoming, the Game and Fish manages and conserves more than 800 species of fish and wildlife across Wyoming.
For nearly 120 years, Game and Fish has carried out their mission to conserve wildlife and serve people.
Through these efforts, the Game and Fish ensures the public continues to enjoy Wyoming’s vast fish and wildlife resource through hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife watching and other forms of outdoor recreation.
Hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers contribute over a billion dollars to Wyoming’s economy each year.