Game and Fish Investigate Dead Birds Discovered at Ocean Lake

Game and Fish Investigate Dead Birds Discovered at Ocean Lake

Wyoming Game and Fish personnel discovered 77 dead mallard ducks at Ocean Lake this week.

FREMONT COUNTY — The Wyoming Game and Fish Department investigated a waterfowl die-off at Ocean Lake Wildlife Habitat Management Area on November 29. Personnel discovered 77 dead mallard ducks and one afflicted Canada goose that was euthanized. 

These birds were collected and some of them will be disease tested at the Game and Fish Wildlife Health Laboratory for potential causes of the die-off. To reduce numbers of waterfowl congregating in the area, the aerator at Ocean Lake has been turned off. Turning off the aerator will close the open water and encourage the birds to move on. Ocean Lake is located 17 miles northwest of Riverton.

The Game and Fish want to remind people to continue to report clusters of dead birds to the nearest Game and Fish regional office and reminds hunters to take specific precautions when handling wildlife. These recommendations come from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s general safety guidelines for hunters handling wildlife and their tissues:

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  • Do not handle or eat sick game.
  • Field dress and prepare game outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  • Wear rubber or disposable nitrile gloves while handling or cleaning game.
  • When done handling game, wash hands thoroughly with soap or disinfectant and clean knives, equipment and surfaces that come in contact with game.
  • Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling animals.
  • Do not feed sick/found dead carcasses/tissues to domestic animals — such as dogs and cats.
  • All game should be thoroughly cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F before being consumed.

If you have any questions, please call the Lander Regional Office at 307-332-2688.

Wyoming Game and Fish Department wardens and biologists investigate dead waterfowl at Ocean Lake on Tuesday, November 29.