Green River Mayor Raises Concerns Over Electric Bikes on Greenbelt

Green River Mayor Raises Concerns Over Electric Bikes on Greenbelt

GBTF Facebook photo by Edgar Romero

GREEN RIVER — Green River Mayor Pete Rust drew attention to the issue of motorcycles and electric bikes on the Greenbelt during the Green River City Council meeting Tuesday night.

Mayor Rust said there was a case of a young person on a motorcycle on the Greenbelt that presented a safety hazard for others on the path. By the time he heard about this and reported it, it was too late and didn’t do any good.

“Motorcycles on the Greenbelt, that’s a dumb idea, it’s not good, it’s unsafe,” Mayor Rust said. “We need more signs, and we need education in the schools because somebody’s going to get hurt.”

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He said the motorcycle raced past a woman with a baby carriage, and because the kid was young they didn’t know how to navigate the situation and expected the woman to get out of the way. Rust said he hopes to get the word out because this is becoming more and more of an issue.

“As I’m playing pickleball I watch the electric bikes go by and they fly by,” Rust said. “We’re going to have to have some control over that sort of a thing on the Greenbelt.”

He said he’s not suggesting eliminating the electric bikes, but that they need to have some consideration and alert people of their presence and slow down. Rust said bikes cannot be traveling 35 mph on the Greenbelt, as it’s too dangerous.

Councilman Gary Killpack said other communities who have similar recreation paths have passing zones and speed limits, and suggested Green River look into something like that.

“Out running on the Greenbelt I’ve had a number of people go flying past,” Killpack said.

Other Business

The Green River City Council unanimously approved the release of a portion of a Standby Letter of Credit in the amount of $163,346 for completed subdivision improvements in the Seneshale Addition, which is a re-subdivision of Tracts B & C of the Lincoln School Addition.

Green River Public Works Director Mark Westenskow said this subdivision is under a contract that requires the contractor “to put up a letter of credit or a bond or something to guarantee the completion of the improvements during the specified amount of time, which is 24 months”. As the contractor, Joe Seneshale, completes work, he can request for portions of the bond to be released.

Westenskow said Seneshale has completed the underground sewer mains, and that’s where this request for the release of funds comes from. He also pointed out that the city is not paying this money, but is rather communicating with the bank to release some of the bond.

Mayor Rust also gave a shout out to Angela Puckett-Maez, the manager of the Star Twin Cinemas. The movie theatre closed its doors for good last week, and Rust thanked her and commended her for her 20 years of service.