Horses, Flying Saucers and More Available with Chamber’s Penny Press

Horses, Flying Saucers and More Available with Chamber’s Penny Press

The Green River Chamber of Commerce recently purchases a penny press that can stamp one of five images onto a penny. Courtesy photo

GREEN RIVER – The Green River Chamber of Commerce has a pressing new development to share.

The chamber recently purchased a penny pressing machine as a means of celebrating its 60th year of operation. According to the chamber, the machine has been in the works for the past five months, with deciding which five images to showcase the Green River community being one of the toughest aspects of the purchase. 

The images available on the press are of a wild horse; a locomotive; Castle Rock; a hardhat, pickaxe and shovel representing Trona Capital of the World; and a flying saucer with 48U printed above it to represent the Greater Green River Intergalactic Spaceport.

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People can choose to pay with a dollar bill, which will drop a preloaded penny after purchase, or a customer can use four quarters and their own penny. 

According to the chamber, residents often stop by to pick up small items representing the area to take to conferences, tournaments, or send to loved ones. Tourists stopping by also seek mementos and souvenirs to take home with them. The chamber believes the small pennies can fulfill that want. 

The press is operational and can be used during the chamber’s winter hours of operation, which are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The Green River Chamber of Commerce’s Penny Press. Courtesy photo.