“Nativity – The Gift”, a display of nativities and nativity-themed art loaned by residents of Sweetwater County, will be held Saturday, December 5 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the SCM Catholic Parish Center at 624 Bridger Avenue in Rock Springs. The event will also offer a free meal of homemade soups in addition to children’s nativity crafts, and Christmas music.
“Nativity – The Gift” is presented by Sweetwater County Churches coming together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and our unity in faith. According to Mary Joe Kaumo, “Nativity – the Gift” will coincide with the City’s Holiday Lighted Parade, so that families can enjoy both in one day.
Organizers for “Nativity – the Gift” hope to provide a gift for the community by creating a beautiful display, with healthy food and local music, that can become part of a Christmas tradition for our families, one which reaches past the commercialized Christmas to celebrate Christmas as a spiritual time and as God’s gift to us.
There is no charge to attend “Nativity – the Gift”.
Donations will be accepted, and will be used to send gifts from Christians of Sweetwater County in honor of Christ’s birth. In order to make a difference in lives in our local community and in the world, the gifts will benefit the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen locally and Mercy Corps internationally.
People willing to loan nativities for display at “Nativity – the Gift” can bring them to the SCM Parish Center on Friday December 4th from 3:00 to 7:00 PM.
Music will be provided by local groups including For Heaven’s Sake, LDS children, Catholic School Children, the Cowboy Church, Kayla and Leah Hoblett, LDS adult choir, and the Spanish Choir.
Questions may be addressed to Nina Romero-Caron at 922-4057, Mary Joe Kaumo at 382-9657, or Kathy Garrison at 389-8574.