Out With the Old, In With the New for the Rock Springs City Council Tuesday

Out With the Old, In With the New for the Rock Springs City Council Tuesday

ROCK SPRINGS –– The Rock Springs City Council will welcome a new member and declare a vacancy on the Council during its meeting Tuesday evening.

Before the meeting at 7 p.m., incoming Council member Rick Milonas will be sworn in at 6:15 p.m., with a short reception planned at 6:30. Milonas replaces Tim Robinson representing Ward 1 following the 2024 General Election. Milonas has been critical of the city in the past few years related to difficulties he faced with regulations and the 204 Elk Street building he owns. He defeated Robinson in a very narrow race that triggered an automatic recount.

While the Council will welcome a new member to its ranks, it will say goodbye to two members – Robinson and Ward 4 Councilman Brent Bettolo. Bettolo verbally resigned from his position during the previous Council meeting, saying he will move to Phoenix, Arizona. Bettolo won re-election in an uncontested race. 

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Following the Council officially declaring a vacancy Tuesday, the Council will be required to meet within 15 days after declaring the vacancy to appoint a successor. The last time a vacancy was declared, it was for a Ward 2 Council seat in 2023. The city sought letters of interest from residents within the ward interested in serving with the Council. The only resident who submitted a letter was David Thompson, who had previously sought election to the Council position. He was later appointed via a secret ballot cast by the members of the Council, a voting method that has since been eliminated from use by the Council when voting to appoint a new member.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public and is streamed on the city’s YouTube Channel. A full agenda can be found here