Hi, my name is Thaen Watkins and this is my travel story.
My wife Erica and I had been planning this vacation for nearly a year and a half. Our one and only son, Kellen, was about to turn two. We thought it prudent that we plan our first family vacation before he turned two because the airlines do not require children younger than that to have a ticket if they sit on their parents’ lap. We only have one baby, so splitting the time between each of our laps couldn’t be that bad, right?
It was the first time he had ever flown, and the first time either my wife or I had flown in several years. But it was better than the alternative of driving 16+ hours one-way while the poor guy is strapped in a car seat.
He did very well; he played games and watched puppy dog pals on his iPad and slept. There was hardly any layover time. The flight out of Rock Springs was jam-packed and he had to be on our lap, but we lucked out when he got his own seat from Denver to LAX. He also got his own seat from Denver to RKS a week later, on the return flights.
For the next week we had a great time traveling around the city and enjoying all kinds of family fun. We enjoyed whale watching on two separate days in the ocean. We also visited the San Diego Zoo, the Griffith Space Observatory, and Universal Studios. We had great days at the many beaches and piers (including Santa Monica), and had all kinds of time to relax at the Newport beach Resort.
Kellen had a great time playing in the sand and surf for the very first time. Mama was in ultra-protection mode, but we all had a blast walking through the warm, soft, squishy sand, and salty water.
The Newport Resort was amazing. We spent 6 nights there and the hospitality couldn’t have been better. The stay was thanks to Erica’s boss Dr. Ramsey at Ramsey Eye Care in Rock Springs. What a generous guy for offering his timeshare to us!
Every day was beautiful and warm, not too far from both Los Angeles and San Diego. The everyday commute in our rental car was an experience itself. We learned an appreciation for how the people of Southern California live everyday, and also that we needed to avoid the highways from 6-9am and 4-7pm. It made us a little more patient and also helped us realize that we don’t have it too bad here in Rock Springs when we have to wait at the light by Smith’s for what seems like FOREVER.
Universal Studios was interesting. Kellen couldn’t go on very many rides because how little he was. The wife and I walked around, met mascots and went on the bus tour. HOWEVER…
One of the neatest things was when we went to a play area by the Jurassic Park ride and happened to run into Ludacris and his wife (along with two body guards) watching and taking pictures of their girls playing in the jungle area. (WITH OUR SON!)
The funny thing is, I think my wife and I were the only ones to recognize him! I told him he had beautiful daughters and he said the same about my son. Unfortunately- but understandably- he didn’t want any pictures taken. Good thing my wife has a future in the paparazzi business!
Overall, we had a great time and a very memorable family vacation. The week went all too fast and before we knew it, the dream was over and we were boarding an over-booked flight from LAX to Denver. Luckily our boy slept peacefully on our laps.
I must admit, one of the highlights of the whole experience was flying home from Denver to Rock Springs. I think the flight had a total of just 15 people on it. Every person could have had their own row. We were so relieved to be home and not have to drive an additional 3-5 hours on the interstate. It was very convenient to land and drive only a few short minutes home.
In the future, I urge everyone who is flying out for their next family vacation to think about how bad roads might be, or how tired they are when they land in Salt Lake or Denver and have to drive home. Not only is it safer to fly from Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport, you will be so happy to see the family dog that much sooner!
Happy travels.-The Watkins Family
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