Hi, my name is Kathy Gilbert and this is my travel story.
My son and daughter-in-law moved to South Carolina two years ago and my son’s 50th birthday was three days before Christmas.
I decided to fly east and make a surprise appearance for his birthday festivities.

I flew out of the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport here in Rock Springs to Denver. From there, I flew to Chicago and on to the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport in South Carolina.
I had recently had back surgery and needed a wheelchair to get to my departure gates in Denver and Chicago. The staff at our local airport contacted the people at those two airports and someone met me with a wheelchair at both of them.
My daughter-in-law picked me up when I arrived at my destination and we went to their house where my son was extremely surprised to see me!
We enjoyed a birthday dinner at a restaurant in Greenville.

On the following day, I got my son away from the house so my daughter-in-law and some friends could put together a surprise cookout in the back yard. The cookout included some kronskis- fresh from Rock Springs. There was lots of laughter and joking and everyone had a great time.

During my two week visit we took in sights around the area. The Greenville-Spartanburg area is at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains and boasts a plethora of historic building and sites.
There are well-preserved southern plantation homes, numerous covered bridges, and many cotton mills. Some of which, are still operating.

Of course we also did some shopping! Downtown Greenville is filled with wonderful shops along the easily traversed, tree-lined streets. Eateries to satisfy every taste are also available.
My trip to South Carolina was wonderful. I love flying from our local airport. It’s a short drive to the airport and it costs me nothing to park. Check-in is quick and simple, and the staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The pilots and crew aboard the United Express planes are terrific.
I’m planning future trips and they all include a flight from the Southwest Regional Airport!
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