ROCK SPRINGS — The Wyoming Main Street Advisory Board recently voted to fully fund the Rock Springs Main Street/URA’s technical assistance grant request for $20,000. The majority of the funds will be used for improvements to Bank Court including the addition of cafe style tables, benches and trash receptacles with lids. Additionally, the improvements will include the construction of a pergola with a raised stage area which will be built by the Rock Springs Parks Department. Part of the grant requires a ten percent match and the manpower to construct the pergola will serve as the match.
Bank Court is an open plaza sitting between the newly renovated Broadway Theater and the Bunning Freight Depot which is in the process of renovation now. By furnishing Bank Court, it will help draw people to the area and keep traffic in the downtown core.
The development of performance/event venues on Broadway as well as the development of an outdoor market space is outlined in the 2007 Destination Development, Inc (DDI) report completed by the City of Rock Springs. While the existing Bank Court area lends itself perfectly to this use, it’s currently just an empty plaza. The addition of benches, tables and planters along with a pergola with raised stage area will make Bank Court more suitable for gatherings, markets, special events and small concert type productions.
The primary intent of Wyoming Main Street’s Technical Assistance program is to implement projects that have been indicated as priorities for local Main Street districts through planning documents, such as Downtown Master Plans and committee work plans. The Wyoming Main Street program offers up to $20,000 in technical assistance grants to certified Main Street communities, of which Rock Springs is one.
The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs. As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design. For more information contact the Rock Springs Main Street/URA at 307-352-1434 or visit their website at