Rock Springs Main Street/URA unveils new downtown logo

Rock Springs Main Street/URA unveils new downtown logo

ROCK SPRINGS – The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency has unveiled a new logo to help promote downtown. The logo draws on the City of Rock Springs’ current logo to help build a unified message for the community but is designed to reinforce the downtown area as a destination.  With revitalization efforts continuing in downtown Rock Springs, the Main Street/URA hope to brand the downtown area to distinguish it from the rest of the city and help draw shoppers and diners to local businesses.

“Downtown Rock Springs is a unique, vibrant place with tremendous growth potential,” URA manager Chad Banks said. “A well-designed, evocative logo will be a great marketing tool as we continue promoting downtown as a wonderful place to live, work and play,” he added.

Through this logo, the URA wanted to convey downtown Rock Springs’ historical legacy as well as its architectural ambiance (via the color palette and references to buildings).  The logo is also meant to give a nod to the future of downtown and the vision for the area.

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The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is working to create a new downtown identity to improve the image of the area, increase commerce, business development and encourage pedestrian activity.  To that end, the Main Street/URA will be rolling out a new website by the end of January as well.