Rock Springs to Spray for Bloodsucking Mosquitoes June 22

Rock Springs to Spray for Bloodsucking Mosquitoes June 22

ROCK SPRINGS – The City of Rock Springs has started its mosquito abatement program and will begin spraying for the tiny little bloodsuckers.

The city will spray between June 22 and June 30 in the Rock Springs cemetery, the area surrounding Bunning Park, the Wetlands Park area near Smith’s, Killpecker Creek along Springs Drive and Community Park Drive, and the Bitter Creek from the East Interstate 80 Interchange to the city’s wastewater treatment plant. The city also notes further spraying needs will be evaluated through the summer.

The spray contains Biomist to control mosquitoes. Permethrin is the active ingredient in Biomist and is classified as a slightly toxic pesticide by the EPA. Its compounds are either taken from substances in chrysanthemum plants or are synthetically based on them. The city says mosquito applications don’t pose a significant risk to people or pets and notes only a small amount of Biomist is used during applications.

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However, residents are encouraged to minimize exposure. Should they see a spraying truck in their neighborhood, they should go indoors, close windows and turn off air conditioning units for a few moments until the spray dissipates.

The city has also applied Altosid XR larvicide pellets containing Methoprene were placed in stagnant water along the Bitter and Killpecker Creeks throughout Rock Springs, as well at some of the ponds at the city’s golf course and in city flood detention ponds. The chemical compounds interrupt the growth cycle of mosquito larvae and prevent them from becoming adult mosquitos. The application lasts approximately 150 days.

West Nile Tips
As Wyoming enters the summer season and people become more active outdoors, avoiding exposure to mosquitoes becomes important as they can spread West Nile Virus. According to the Wyoming Department of Health, West Nile spreads to mosquitoes after they feed on infected birds, which can then spread to people and animals when an infected mosquito bites them.

The WDH’s “Five Ds” of West Nile prevention are:

  • Dawn and Dust: Mosquitoes feed during dawn and dusk and people should avoid spending time outside during these times.
  • Dress: People should wear shoes, socks, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt outdoors. Clothing should be light colored and be made of tightly woven materials.
  • Drain: As mosquitoes breed in shallow, stagnant water, people are encouraged to drain standing water on their property.
  • DEET: Using an insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus is encouraged while outdoors and can be effective in repelling mosquitoes.