Rock Springs Urban Renewal Agency/Main Street presents 2014 Community Pride Awards

Rock Springs Urban Renewal Agency/Main Street  presents 2014 Community Pride Awards

Food Bank - Cheryl Confer (Main Street board member), Alice Paul (Main Street Organization committee member), Kathy Siler (Food Bank of Sweetwater County executive director), Glennise Wendorf (Rock Springs City Council) and Rennard Jensen (Main Street Organization committee member)

ROCK SPRINGS — Over the past several years, the Rock Springs Main Street/URA’s (Urban Renewal Agency) organization committee has awarded over 30 “Community Pride Awards” to those businesses in the downtown area that have made improvements to their building’s façade and/or interior.  Awards for 2014 were recently presented to area businesses.  Those receiving awards are:

  • Bi-Rite, Sweet Sage and Remedies Grill
  • High Country Hearing Center
  • Beasts and Barbarians
  • Wayne Yedinak (former Kelly Shoes building)
  • Food Bank of Sweetwater County
  • Once Upon a Party
  • Half Price Flooring (not pictured)

Each business was given a 2014 Community Pride Award plaque to display in their business.

The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs.  As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design.  For more information on the program, contact the Rock Springs Main Street/URA at 307-352-1434 or visit their website at

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