RSHS Dancer Breanna Powers Signs With SUU

RSHS Dancer Breanna Powers Signs With SUU

Breanna Powers signing with SUU for dance. SweetwaterNOW photo by Jayson Klepper

ROCK SPRINGS – Breanna Powers of Rock Springs High School signed with Southern Utah University for Dancing. Powers was on the dance team for the Tigers all four years of her High School career and has been involved with dancing for over 10 years.

On top of going to SUU for dancing, Powers plans to study Nursing.

Powers is joining an established team that performed well at the United Spirit Association Collegiate Nationals. They took seventh in their Pom routine and third in their hip-hop dance routine.

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RSHS won state three times while Powers was on the team, most recently taking first in Hip-Hop this year at State Spirit. The other two times they won were both in her freshman year.

When asked about her favorite memory, Powers said that winning state each time was her favorite.

Check out some photos of Powers signing below.