RSPD Investigates Break-In at Grub’s

RSPD Investigates Break-In at Grub’s

ROCK SPRINGS – It’s a call no business owner wants to get.

Jaycia and Justin Hunt, the owners of Grub’s Drive-In, received that call at 6:45 a.m. Monday. It was from the Rock Springs Police Department and someone had broken into their restaurant. 

Jaycia said Justin rushed out of their home in Green River to meet with the RSPD already at Grub’s. 

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“We’re not sure exactly what happened,” Jaycia said.

A side window was broken and pushed out of the building. Glass filled the sink below the window and the cash register was taken. She said they don’t keep money in the drawer after hours. Also, no footprints were found outside because Jaycia and her daughter had deep cleaned the restaurant Sunday, which included shoveling snow.

While work is underway to replace the window, It’s an experience that has left the Hunts feeling violated and hurt.

“I grew up in this neighborhood,” Jaycia said. “We’re just trying to do a good thing for the community.”

According to Elizabeth Coontz, the public information officer for the RSPD, they received the call at 6:15 a.m. after someone passed by the restaurant and noticed the broken window. She said the RSPD didn’t have further information to release about the incident.

“It just makes me sad,” Jaycia said.