GREEN RIVER– Today Sweetwater County School District #2’s building administrative team met virtually in order to answer questions and clarify processes for the community.
The district administrators also met with the Wyoming Department of Education and Department of Health.
Twelve month staff, supervisors, building administrators and front office personnel, and maintenance and custodial staff reported to work this morning to assist in communication efforts and continue with district operations.
Adjusted Schedule:
Currently the students will not have class from March 16 through at least April 3. If recommendations allow class to be in session starting April 6, the district will resume normal schedule from April 6-10. This would mean that the three weeks of the closure would be considered the spring break. The district will be closed on Friday, March 20; Friday, March 27; and Friday, April 3 to account for the three days the district was schedules to be closed on April 8, 9, and 10.
During the time the district is closed parents are encourage to assist in the idea of social distancing. Help the community reduce social gatherings per guidance of the health department.
Make up Days:
By attending school between April 6 and 10, the district reduces the number of “missed days” from 15 to 10. The Wyoming Department of Education will soon give districts further guidance on whether days would need to be made up, pushing the end of the school year into June.
Food services:
The district’s Nutritional Services department is making meals available to students in three different locations. Please see the schedule on our website Parents can call 872-5517 for additional 872-5515 for additional information. Our director is also planning this availability on the district closure dates as well.
Continued learning:
The district will have a link on its website with instructions for parents and students to access resources for learning and skill practice online. At this point, the district will not attempt to provide new learning in an online platform.
Middle School and high school students and families should look for communications by building principals which would allow students to enter the buildings to pick up their chrome books. Teachers may be communicating with students through Google classroom to share enrichment activities or supporting them with make-up work. Again, new instruction will not happen at this time. For technology support in accessing these resources please call the district’s helpdesk at 872-8819.
All extracurricular activities have been suspended at this time. This includes all community activities housed in the district’s buildings, after hours.
During the district closure our custodial staff will be diligent in following guidance from CDC in terms of cleaning and disinfecting in the buildings. We would encourage families to follow the latest guidance form the department of health as well.
The Sweetwater County School District #2 Board and our district team is dedicated to ensuring our students and staff are safe. I am confident that together our community will work through this difficult time. Thank you for being patient as we make some difficult decisions that are new to all of us.
The district will share new information as it becomes available.