Sweetwater County Fire Department Monitoring Fire Near Pine Mountain

Sweetwater County Fire Department Monitoring Fire Near Pine Mountain

Photo courtesy of the Sweetwater County Fire Department.

The Sweetwater County Fire Department is monitoring the fire from the Wyoming side atop Pine Mountain, according to Sweetwater County Fire Warden Mike Bournazian.

The department worked two additional fires yesterday in the same area along the roads and Utah border that were caused by lightning from yesterday storm, he said.

Both of those fires were kept to less than an acre and the Rock Springs Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is working on them again today, Bournazian said. 

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This is the fire burning just south of the Wyoming border in Colorado. The fire is more than 1,000 acres, however nothing is being threatened at this time.

“Strong winds and very dry timber is fueling the fire,” Bournazian said.

It’s burning about half a mile south of the state line easterly on Middle Mountain towards Diamond Mountain north of Colorado County Rd 72.

Google Maps photo.

No Sweetwater County Fire Department resources from Wyoming are on the fire and the fire spread is rapid and in heavy fuels.

The BLM from both states are on scene and accessing the fire along with Moffatt County Fire.