Then and Now: Rich Memories, Empty Places

Then and Now: Rich Memories, Empty Places

Life has been different, a lot different.

The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic has certainly taken a toll on every aspect of life. Although public health orders are beginning to ease, it doesn’t look like life will be too similar to what we once knew, at least for some time.

At SweetwaterNOW we pride ourselves on recording the lives of our friends and neighbors in Sweetwater County — even during a pandemic. It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so we decided to put that statement to a test. This photo essay displays the effects of the virus in our community through a handful of photos from May-July 2019 in comparison to present day.

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Hang in there friends, we’ll soon be back to normal.

Rock Springs High School Graduation

Swings at Expedition Island During Flaming Gorge Days

Union Pacific’s Big Boy Rolls Through Town

Brown Bag Concerts in Downtown Rock Springs

Green River High School Track and Field

Huck Finn Fishing Derby

Rods and Rails Car Show

Little League Baseball at Stratton Meyers Park