LARAMIE WYOMING — University of Wyoming Institutional Communications Specialist Jim Kearns received the Kerm Kath Friend of Broadcasting Award Saturday from the Wyoming Association of Broadcasters (WAB). UW Institutional Communications is an associate member of the WAB.
“The WAB board gives out this award on occasion when we feel there is someone who has done an excellent job supporting WAB and broadcasters in general,” says WAB President Laura Grott, of Cheyenne.
The WAB annual convention was held at the UW Conference Center, with a reception in the Wildcatter Suites at War Memorial Stadium.
“We felt that, since we were in Laramie this year for our convention, it would be a fitting tribute to honor Jim with the Friend of Broadcasting Award, because we truly see him that way,” Grott says.
Kearns, a native of Evanston and a UW graduate, is a former broadcaster who worked at different radio stations in Wyoming early in his career. He has been at UW for 35 years.
At UW, he produced three daily radio programs heard on radio stations throughout the state: “The UW Agricultural Network,” “Insight” and “The Wyoming Health Network.” The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education presented him with numerous awards for radio production. Additionally, he has produced audio for the UW Radio News Service for more than 30 years.
“Jim has been a longtime associate member of our association. I can’t remember a convention he hasn’t attended,” Grott says. “He has supported us over the years trying to find deserving students for our scholarships and, in general, has been a consistent supporter of our association and broadcasting.”
Kath was a Torrington radio station owner for years and was selected to the WAB Hall of Fame when the association began inductions in 2003. WAB members voted to name the honorary award after Kath. The WAB last presented the award in 2010 to U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., for his support of the Radio Freedom Act.