Vote John Freeman for House District 60 – Insightful, Dedicated and Persistent

Vote John Freeman for House District 60 – Insightful, Dedicated and Persistent

This featured story was paid for by the Freeman for House Committee.

John Freeman is running for his third term in the Wyoming Legislature, District 60. For 35 years he has been making a difference in Green River and Sweetwater County in the classroom, developing the Greenbelt, as a trustee for Western Wyoming Community College and for the past 4 years in the Wyoming Legislature. John would like to continue serving you in Cheyenne protecting Wyoming’s water, promoting development of Wyoming’s resources, and promoting quality education.

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As a member of the Wyoming Legislature, Rep. Freeman has served on the House Education Committee, the Joint School Facilities Committee, the Management Council, The Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee (TRW), the Select Natural Resource Funding committee and the Journal Committee. In addition to serving on these legislative committees, he was appointed by Governor Mead to serve on the Governor’s School Safety Taskforce and Complete College Wyoming.

As a former teacher and college trustee, Representative Freeman is a strong voice for improving Wyoming’s education system. As a legislator, Mr. Freeman has advocated for comprehensive measures of student and school’s successes. A single cut score from a standardized test does not give a clear picture how well a student or school is performing. Rep. Freeman believes in increasing student instruction by reducing standardized testing and increasing curriculum options by the preservation of local control of schools. Mr. Freeman supports community colleges and the University of Wyoming to provide the educated workforce for Wyoming’s industry.

John Freeman is the voice of reason on the House Education Committee. He is a strong advocate for education and doing what’s right for students.  His experience as an educator provides valuable insights for making the right decisions.

Janine Bay Teske

Member of the School Accountability Task Force

As a member of the TRW committee, Rep. Freeman advocates for an adequately funded Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Over the years, the mission of the WGFD has changed. In addition to managing Wyoming’s wildlife, WGFD research has prevented the listing of several sensitive species to the endangered species list. If these animals were placed on the endangered species list, energy development in portions of the state could be stopped. Freeman has supported tourism promotions and the state’s motorized and non-motorized trail systems to enhance Wyoming’s second leading tourism industry.

Representative Freeman has shown tremendous commitment to be engaged in wildlife related issues and more importantly, with the stakeholders who value such resources. John’s experience in the legislature is vital to ensuring wildlife and sportsmen and sportswomen related topics are held with the highest regard. Voting for John Freeman will ensure such regard continues.” – Joshua W.D. Coursey

“As a member of the Sweetwater Mountain Bike Association, one of the biggest roadblocks for trail builders in Wyoming dealt with the liability protection for private landowners for recreational use by others.  The existing law was outdated in that mountain biking or horseback riding was not included in the description of recreational users.  John’s amendment adding cycling to the law will make it easier to negotiate further trail development.  Trail builders and users can thank John for his responsiveness.”

Tom McIntosh

Sweetwater Mountain Bike Association

Rep. Freeman was one of four legislator selected to visit China’s coal producing regions to study clean coal initiatives.

Rep. Freeman predicts the 2015 Wyoming Legislature will continue to debate measures to expand and diversify Wyoming’s economy. Freeman was one of nine legislators selected to visit Alberta’s Heartland Project where the Canadians add value to their oil and gas products. Last June, Rep. Freeman was one of four legislator selected to visit China’s coal producing regions to study clean coal initiatives. Projects similar to the Heartland Project and enhanced uses for coal in Wyoming would greatly enhance Wyoming’s goal to grow and diversify its economy. Sweetwater County is a prime location for such programs with its coal, trona, natural gas, oil, transportation systems and unallocated water found in the Green River.

Help re-elect John Freeman to the Wyoming Legislature, House District 60. John Freeman understands Sweetwater County. The Freeman family set roots here in the 1880’s. John has been active in the community for 35 years serving on the WWCC Board of Trustees, building the Greenbelt, serving on committees, to coaching soccer. Green River has benefited greatly by his service.

Remember John Freeman on November 4th for insightful, dedicated and persistent leadership: Vote for John Freeman for the Wyoming Legislature.