Western Wyoming Community College (Western) will Host its Annual Spirit Week Chili Cook-Off

Western Wyoming Community College (Western) will Host its Annual Spirit Week Chili Cook-Off

Saturday, January 25
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.

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Western’s Atrium
2500 College Dr.

Individuals and businesses are encouraged to register to compete! Registration closes Friday, January 17th, and the coloring contest closes at the Chili Cook-Off on January 25th. Completed coloring sheets can be returned to Western’s Welcome Desk or the Green River or Rock Springs Library’s.

The public, including businesses, are invited to enter the Chili Cook-Off to win branded aprons, medals, certificates of honor, and chamber ‘bucks’ totaling $750, which are valid for merchants in Sweetwater County. With over 500+ attendees annually, this event is a great opportunity for businesses to compete. Western provides participants media coverage for brand awareness, and of course the ultimate prize, bragging rights for the best chili! Attendees can anticipate chili from Jack’s Crepes, Tip’s Kitchen, Street Meats, Boschettos, Dickey’s Barbecue Pit, and nine amateur chili enthusiasts – so far!

For amateurs stepping into the competition, we know groceries are rough so don’t fret! Western will provide “amateurs” with a $50 gift card to Smiths or Albertsons after check-in the day of the event. We’re here to support you! In addition, licensed kitchens are not necessary, but using USDA prime beef is required. For more details on these guidelines, visit westernwyoming.edu/spiritweek.

During the event, judges, in a blind taste test, will score first, second, and third place for each red and green chili. There will also be a People’s Choice award. By sampling at least six chilis, the public can enter raffles for prizes and vote in the People’s Choice. The chili who wins the public’s heart(burn) will receive a gift basket from Western’s Bookstore. The deadline to register is quickly approaching with forms due by midnight next Friday, January 17.

The Spirit Week wrestling dual will take place in the Rushmore Gym immediately following the event at 2 p.m. Chili contestant winners and community prize winners will be announced at the games. Winners are not required to be present to win, but attendance is encouraged. To find the Mustang athletic schedule for Spirit Week, visit westernwyoming.edu/spiritweek.

The contest is free to enter; those wishing to participate can submit their registration form at www.westernwyoming.edu/spiritweek. Recipes not needed, so your restaurant or family recipe can remain a secret! The only secret we have you share is where your chili lands on the Scoville Scale for HEAT.

For inquiries or questions regarding the Chili Cook-Off, contact the Public Relations Specialist Mikayla Wonnacott by email at mwonnacott@westernwyoming.edu or call 307-382-1868.

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