Wyoming Highway Patrol Releases Video to Raise Driver Awareness

Wyoming Highway Patrol Releases Video to Raise Driver Awareness

The Wyoming Highway Patrol has released a video showing the danger of not slowing down on Wyoming Highways this winter.

CHEYENNE — The Wyoming Highway Patrol has released the in-car camera footage of a recent collision that occurred near Wheatland on October 31.

This video is being released to raise awareness of the hazards emergency personal deal with daily. As readers can see from the in-car camera (rear camera view), the commercial vehicle had moved over into the left lane of travel.

However, the commercial truck was traveling to fast for the hazardous road conditions, causing the driver to lose control. The driver of the commercial vehicle was cited for careless driving.

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The Wyoming Highway Patrol would like to remind motorists when you see emergency lights ahead, slow down, and prepared to stop. The emergency lights are activated to warn the public of an imminent hazard or emergency.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~The Lorax

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