Art Students’ Work Recognized by Local Group

Art Students’ Work Recognized by Local Group

Third grader Samuel Soria had a big smile when he was presented awards for his artwork from the Women’s Club of Sweetwater County and from the annual GFWC Wyoming statewide convention. Leslie Jo Gatti is the local club’s Youth Art chairperson. Nine young artists were presented awards at a reception held at the Community Fine Arts Center May 7. Courtesy photo

ROCK SPRINGS – Each year, the Women’s Club of Sweetwater County recognizes students who have been included in the school exhibits at the Community Fine Arts Center.

A group of promising young artists were recognized for their talents at a presentation and reception at the CFAC May 7. The club hosted the reception and presented awards to the elementary and junior high students.

The annual statewide convention for the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Wyoming took place in Laramie in April, with several of the local club members attending. Each year the women honor the youth of our state by holding an art competition, bringing art from their local schools to the state convention. Independent judges are selected and rank the students’ artwork giving first, second and third place ribbons to the winners.

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“Each year, we assist the club in selecting artwork during the Youth Arts Exhibits held at the center each spring,” CFAC Director Debora Soule said. “These annual displays are coordinated with Sweetwater County School District No. 1 art instructors to recognize the talented students in our community.”

Nine pieces of artwork were selected to be taken to the convention by the local club. When the Youth Arts Month displays are exhibited each year at the CFAC, the club members pick their award winners. All nine students received a certificate of merit as well as a monetary award from the Women’s Club of Sweetwater County. Presenting the awards were Marcia Volner, the club president and local chair of Youth Arts, Leslie Jo Gatti, former club and state president, and Soule. Also attending was club treasurer Susan Arguello, Busy Hands chair Maggie Choate, and Charlene Stillion, the corresponding secretary.

Third grader Ariana Llamas, from Walnut Elementary, received an award for her brightly colored floral, while Samuel Soria, a third grader at Stagecoach Elementary, was awarded for a watercolor of birch trees. From Eastside Elementary, fourth grade student, Ashlynn Davis with her design “Patterned Pumpkin” and fifth grade Natalie Torres’ watercolor “Falling Leaves” were recognized for their artwork. 

Two sixth graders from Pilot Butte Elementary were recognized as well. Callie Saunders won with a colored drawing titled “Patterned Shapes” and Rylen Moeller was awarded with her “Cheetos Sneakers.”  

Rock Springs Junior High student Adeline Hopkins, seventh grade, was recognized through the selection of her painting “Blooms in Blue Vase.” Two eighth graders also received awards – Soraya Perez with a highly detailed perspective design and Brylee Muniz with a scratchboard drawing of an elk in the forest. 

In addition to all the students being local winners, five students received ribbons and monetary awards at the statewide convention in their grade levels. 

The Sweetwater County School District No. 1 art teachers who have encouraged these students are Jamie Morgan, Dana Sykes, Nanci Rollins, Kendra Lewis, and Halli Riskus.

“We are happy to recognize and encourage these young art students for putting their best effort into their work,” Gatti said. “The Rock Springs Woman’s Club is committed to recognizing the talents of the youth of our community.”