Burbot Bash gets underway Jan. 23

Burbot Bash gets underway Jan. 23

SWEETWATER COUNTY – It’s that time again when fishermen from around the area compete in a fishing derby while also help protect the Flaming Gorge Fishery. This year’s Burbot Bash gets underway Jan. 23.

The first Burbot Bash was held on January 10th, 2009 and was organized by members of BigFishTackle.com.  It was a clinic style event held to educate members and friends about this new threat to the Flaming Gorge Fishery and how to remove these predatory fish from the reservoir.  The event was held near Lost Dog.

In 2010 the Bash was held on January 23rd at the Buckboard Marina and was again a clinic style event with giveaways to Big Fish Tackle members who participated.

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The 2011 Burbot Bash was a week-long event and was the first contest held.  It was developed by the Green River Chamber of Commerce with assistance from the Rock Springs Chamber, the Flaming Gorge Chamber and Sweetwater County Joint Travel & Tourism Board.  There were nearly 500 entrants and over 4000 Burbot were caught during the event.

The 2012 Burbot Bash was another joint effort of the various chambers and included support from the Vernal and Fort Bridger Chamber of Commerce.  It was a weekend event starting Thursday evening and ending on Saturday, and the ice was not very cooperative this year, so only 221 participants were involved.

The February 2013 Burbot Bash was organized by the Flaming Gorge Chamber of Commerce with some assistance from all the previously involved organizations and held from February 1-3, 2013.  Over 1170 participants were involved in this weekend event and over 4000 Burbot were removed from the reservoir.



Mail in registrations will be accepted prior to January 23rd, 2015, but in-person registration will be available at Buckboard Marina on January 23rd from 9:00 am through 8:00 pm.  If registering the day of the tournament all entry fees must be paid in cashNo exceptions.   Fill out the registration form and sign the acknowledgement of risk, and be prepared to pay $40 per person.  Registration will end at 8:00 pm on January 23rd, early registration is encouraged to ensure we have enough packets for all participants. For more information and registration go to http://www.burbotbash.com



BURBOT BASH – January 23-25, 2015


All cash and prizes WILL BE based on 300 participants. Prize payouts

and places will be adjusted with increased participation.

Burbot size is determined by length with weight being a tie-breaker


Most Burbot ~ 3 places $ 1500, $1000, $750

Biggest Burbot ~ 3 places $1000, $750, $500


Biggest Burbot ~ 3 places $100, $75, $50

Smallest Burbot ~ 3 places $100, $75, $50

Burbot Cleaning Contest ~ 2 places $250, $150


Tagged fish

Burbot Bounty: All tagged fish (including internal PIT tags and Floy tags) will be entered into the Burbot Bounty. This is a sponsorship category and all funds in this category will be split equally between all participants who catch a tagged fish. For example, if the Bounty has $1000.00 and 10 tagged burbot are caught, the payout is $100.00 per tagged burbot.


Tagged Burbot:

Teams that catch tagged burbot will have a chance to win  $10,000, $2,500 or $1,000 cash. Fifty Burbot will have tags with unique numbers. Wyoming Game & Fish (WGFD) and Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) will send those numbers directly to the insurance agency. The insurance company will randomly select three of those tags and assign a dollar value to the tags. If an entrant catches one of the three insured tags they will be eligible for a cash prize. All recaptured burbot with 2015 Burbot Bash PIT tags will be retained by a tournament official in a bag with team information until the awards ceremony on Sunday, January 25th. At that time the representative from Tegeler Insurance will determine if the PIT tagged burbot is one of the three pre-drawn PIT insured tags. Results for the insured tags will be revealed during the closing ceremony. Entrants who catch a tagged fish must be present or designate a team member to represent them to be eligible for the Tagged Burbot prize. Teams should also enter all burbot, large or small, could be a winner.



1 This is a burbot only tournament. You may possess other species as allowed by state regulations, but they may not be entered as part of this derby. Fishing will start at 12:00 pm on January 23, 2015 and end 7:00 am Sunday January 25, 2015. Only fish caught during this time frame can be entered into the derby. There is no limit on burbot and all burbot caught must be kept and killed.

2 Participants must have a valid fishing license and adhere to the regulations for the state in which they are fishing. The use and possession of live bait fish is not allowed on Flaming Gorge Reservoir. If fishing with more than two lines through the ice, each line must be labeled with anglers’ name. If a person is cited for a fishing violation by a law enforcement officer his/her whole team will be disqualified.

3 A team must be registered to be eligible for prizes. Teams can register by mail prior to January 23, 2015, or onsite at registration at Buckboard Marina on January 23, 2015, between 9:00 am-8:00 pm. If registering the day of the tournament all entry fees must be paid in cash. No exceptions. All payments made by credit card subject to a 5% service charge. No refunds once entry fees are paid. If a team member needs to be changed then it must be done prior to 12:00 p.m. (start of contest) on January 23, 2015. If payment is made by non-sufficient funds the team will be automatically disqualified.

4 A team member must pick up the registration packet on January 23, 2015 between 9:00 am-8:00 pm at Buckboard Marina. If the team’s packet is not picked up the team is not registered and any entry money previously paid will be forfeit.

5 Each team must consist of two-four members and must designate a captain. Pre-entry fees are $40 adults (14 years. and over), Youth $10 (age 13 yrs. and under). If registering on January 23, 2015, an additional $5.00 per entrant will apply. Youth fishing in the tournament that want to beeligible for the adult prizes must register and pay as an adult.

6 Any unregistered fishermen in your party will jeopardize the validity of burbot caught by registered fishermen and be grounds for disqualification.

7 There are no time restrictions on angling during the official tournament period. Burbot must be checked in and scanned for tags daily on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am – 11:00 am. To qualify for prizes all burbot must be dead but kept fresh. Burbot that are frozen, partially frozen, or otherwise determined “not fresh” by contest officials will be disqualified. It is recommended fish be kept in a cooler to prevent them from freezing. Burbot must be killed immediately and it is illegal to transport live fish.

8 Check-in locations for January 24: Cruel Jacks in Rock Springs, WY, Buckboard Marina off Highway 530 and The Villa Restaurant in Manila, Utah from 8:00 am-11:00 am. On January 25 all burbot must be checked in at the Manila, Utah Rodeo Grounds between 8:00 am-11:00 am. Any team member that is not in the line by 11:00 am sharp will be turned away from entering their burbot in the tournament. No exceptions to this rule.

9 The Biggest Burbot will be determined by length with weight being a tie-breaker. 10.Contestants will be required to remove the tails of all burbot after they are scanned, counted and measured and prior to leaving the checkpoint. 1. The team does not need to be present at the Closing Ceremony to win the cash prize categories but may be required to fill out a W-9 form for prizes over $600.00 before being paid. Entrants must be present to win the raffle prizes and tagged fish cash prizes at the Closing Ceremony. Family members of tournament officials and committee members are not eligible to win the raffle prizes or insured tagged fish money.

10 Youth participants must be present when checking in their burbot.

11 For participant’s safety, each team must have a throw rope and ice picks. A cell phone, flotation device and cleats are also recommended while fishing through the ice.

12 All participants must sign an affidavit agreeing to comply with all derby rules.

13 Tournament officials reserve the right to conduct checks to ensure the participants are following the provisions listed above. Any disqualified participant will not receive a refund of tournament fees nor be eligible for any prizes.

14 The Derby committee claims no responsibility for accidents relating to ice or road conditions. The tournament is subject to cancellation or temporary suspension due to weather conditions. Cancellation decision will be made by tournament officials, the USFS, law enforcement officials, UDWR or WGFD. Anglers will be notified by Marine Band Radio and/or text message.

15 A USFS recreation use pass may be required for fishermen using certain areas on the Flaming Gorge NRA. It is the participant’s responsibility to be aware of those locations.

16 If fishing in Wyoming and using an ATV an ORV sticker may be required. It is your responsibility to make sure you are complying with all local, State and Federal regulations.

17 If using a boat to fish during this tournament: any contest watercraft coming from out of the state of Wyoming, is required to undergo a mandatory inspection by an authorized Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) inspector prior to launching in Wyoming. All watercraft owners or operators shall purchase and display an AIS decal valid for 2015 prior to launching or entering any waters in the state of Wyoming. If fishing in Utah by watercraft a Certificate of Decontamination must be presented at registration on January 23, 2015. Participants violating these regulations may be fined and will be immediately disqualified.

18 From 12:00 pm on January 23, 2015, until 7:00 am on January 25, 2015, all contestants must abide by all applicable UDWR or WGFD regulations concerning fishing, aquatic invasive species and boating.