County Attorney Awaits Further Information Regarding Crime Lab Issue

County Attorney Awaits Further Information Regarding Crime Lab Issue

Sweetwater County Attorney Daniel Erramouspe

ROCK SPRINGS – Sweetwater County Attorney Daniel Erramouspe is unaware if a recently-reported problem with the state crime lab will impact cases his office has prosecuted.

Wyofile reported Tuesday about letters sent out by the director of the Wyoming Department of Criminal Investigation alerting law enforcement and prosecutors across the state of problems with the Wyoming State Crime Lab’s firearms unit following an annual test. According to Wyofile, a series of letters from DCI Director Ronnie Jones reference a examination that resulted in answers that were outside of anticipated results, with the investigative agency reviewing casework conducted by the firearms unit by county, as well as work it had conducted for federal cases.

Erramouspe said there is a lot about the issue that he and his office are unaware of.

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“We don’t even know the timeframe,” Erramouspe said.

Wyofile reported DCI temporarily suspended firearms casework May 23 and sought independent firearms examiners to conduct new casework.

For now, the county attorney’s office is waiting for further information from DCI regarding which cases the issue may have impacted. However, Erramouspe isn’t sure if the issue will impact his office as he doesn’t recall any recent cases that could have involved DCI’s firearms unit.