SWEETWATER COUNTY – The Sweetwater County commissioners will determine if eligible county employees will receive a 3% pay increase during their meeting Tuesday.
According to county meeting documents, the raise is a cost of living adjustment and will be eligible to full time, part time, grant-funded and temporary employees. Elected officials, employees who have resigned before July 1 and employees working within the county’s component units, such as Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County or the Sweetwater County Library System, are not eligible. Some chief deputies are eligible for the increase, unless otherwise prohibited by a prior resolution.
Also scheduled for the meeting is discussion of a request by the library system to apply for additional Wyoming Library Multi-Purpose Community Facility Program grant funds. The library system has already been awarded $1.475 million to fund meeting room renovations. The state announced $8.4 million in grant funds are available to help fund libraries to enable work, education and health monitoring and the library system hopes to receive additional funding through this initiative.
The commissioners will also decide appointments to several county boards and will hear the hospital’s annual update from CEO Irene Richardson. An executive session to discuss real estate is set to take place at 2 p.m., while a budget workshop will take place at 2:45 p.m.
The meeting starts at 9 a.m. at the Sweetwater County Courthouse in Green River. The meeting is open to the public and is streamed on the county’s Youtube Channel. An agenda and meeting packet are available here.