Destination RKS: A Perfect Wyo Trip

Destination RKS: A Perfect Wyo Trip
Hi my name is Rick Rose and this is my travel story.
I was finally able to cross Wyoming off my list of the 3 states I haven’t visited today.  It was bittersweet. Sweet, in that it was the most beautiful state I have yet to experience.  Bitter, because I didn’t want to leave.
I came here for work to shoot a story on spring sledding for a backcountry snowmobile series ( in the mountains around Star Valley/Afton.
After 7 rigorous days, I was able to fit in 2 days to visit my friends Ashley and Shane whose wedding I had performed 10 years ago. I had promised them I’d visit when they moved home to Lander, WY. Meeting their 2 little ones for the first time was beautiful.
Me, Shane, & Ashley at the school she works at on the Wind River Reservation.
When I booked the trip I was amazed to hear of Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport.
Who would have known I could fly into Idaho Falls, have the good fortune of traveling across WY and not having to return to IDA? It gave me the chance to have more time exploring WY and conveniently fly out of RKS for the first time.
My roadside view from Lander toward Rock Springs.


Following ideas from this cool book, I discovered this cool place en route:
Atlantic City, WY – a preserved historic town
Another selfie along the trip to RKS.


I took the turn here from Farson to Rock Springs, but not without stopping to stretch my legs, my lips with a smile, and my stomach with huckleberry ice cream
Following GPS and making my way through the beautiful terrain of SW WY, I wondered if it really knew how to get to the airport. I was so happy to discover this sign.


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Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport was the coolest airport I have experienced.  I could hardly believe how it sits on the beautiful horizon, visually representing a touch of Americana like few airports can.  I received the kindest service from United counter folks and the TSA agent there.  Both were happy to share with me what a great treasure their airport is.
Air Force One had even landed at RKS before and it’s just a quick friendly convenient flight to Denver’s airport which will take a traveler to many an international destination.
What a setting!
So Americana!
Where else can you find elk in an airport lobby but here at RKS?!
More Americana!  This sign speaks highly of this part of the world: A trusting, quaint community.
I boarded our plane and was again greeted by more helpful TSA, airport, and airplane personnel until I took my seat in the aircraft’s first row feeling special. I felt grateful to have discovered Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport as the very final discovery in my 9 day journey across beautiful Wyoming.
Look at the horizon on the RKS tarmac.
Off to beautiful Denver!
 . .
Some extra cool shots to finish out my story:
Selfie of when I saw the Grand Tetons for the first time.
This one of where I encountered a wild buffalo herd.
Just one of the many work memories we had in Star Valley, WY getting to the backcountry on spring roads to capture incredible footage like this for our  TV series, BOONDOCK NATION.
This ending is just the beginning for more travel through Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport.
Thank you, and onward!

Share Your Travel Story

Submit your travelogue when you fly out of the Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport and you could win two FREE airline tickets to Denver!

Travel is so enlightening! Your travelogue might be about adventuring to the big city–the incredible food and culture. You could escape to a wild, natural place like the ocean or a national park. Perhaps you have an out-of-the-way spot or a little known travel destination you must share.

Not only could your incredible story and photos be posted on SweetwaterNOW, you’ll be entered to win tickets to Denver.

Another set of tickets will be given away in May 2018 and the winner will be chosen by a panel of SweetwaterNOW and Southwest Wyoming Regional Airport staff.

Read the rules here.



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