Food Insecurity in Sweetwater County Continues to Rise

Food Insecurity in Sweetwater County Continues to Rise

The Green River City Council presents the proclamation for Hunger Action Month to Executive Director of the Food Bank of Sweetwater County, Kathy Siler. SweetwaterNOW photo

GREEN RIVER — The Food Bank of Sweetwater County has recorded an increasing trend of food insecurity in Green River and Sweetwater County over the past couple of years.

Kathy Siler, Executive Director of the Food Bank of Sweetwater County, said the food bank had 769 more pantry visits county wide in fiscal year 2024 compared to the previous year, with 9,711 pantry visits total. Of that total, 2,746 visits were in Green River.

Additionally, 403,185 pounds of food were distributed in Sweetwater County, with 129,471 pounds of food being distributed in Green River.

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The unduplicated number of people served in Sweetwater county in FY 24 was 4,260, and 836 people in Green River. A year ago, the unduplicated number of people served across the county was 4,037.

Siler said that these numbers all increased from the previous fiscal year, showing a rising trend in food insecurity across the county. As the Green River City Council proclaimed September as Hunger Action Month in Green River, Siler is sharing these figures to reiterate to the community that food insecurity is not only an issue locally, but is prominent and growing.

However, Siler said that while food insecurity is increasing, so is the amount of donations the food bank receives. The food bank distributed 277,956 pounds of free food county wide this past fiscal year, which is an increase of 39,327 pounds from the previous year. Hunger Action Month aims to increase awareness of food insecurity and how it impacts the community.