Green River City Council To Accept a Bid for Riverside Memorial Park Playground

Green River City Council To Accept a Bid for Riverside Memorial Park Playground

SweetwaterNOW file photo

GREEN RIVER — The Green River City Council will consider approving a bid for a playground replacement at Riverside Memorial Park during Tuesday night’s meeting.

The city received seven bids for the project but one vendor did not submit sufficient information to be considered. City staff is recommending that Star Playgrounds, out of Littleton, Colorado, receive the project. Star Playgrounds submitted a bid of $98,250, with the total cost of playground equipment being $78,000. The remaining $20,250 is the installation cost.

This project is being funded in part by a Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant, the City of Green River, and a Sweetwater County School District No. 2 Rec Mill Grant.

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The Council will also host a public hearing for a liquor license application for Mi Casita. They will vote to approve the liquor license later on in the meeting.

Additionally, the Council will have a workshop at 6 p.m. for a Fiscal Year 2025 budget discussion. They will then have a recognition of the Western Wyoming Community College wrestling team and head coach Art Castillo for their 2023-2024 NJCAA Division 1 National Wrestling Championship title.

The Green River City Council meeting will be Tuesday, May 7, starting at 6 p.m. with the workshop, followed by the regular meeting at 7 p.m. The meeting will take place at Green River City Hall and is open to the public. To view the full meeting agenda, click here.