Aquarius: You may notice your computer acting a little unusual this week. While it’s not a virus infecting your machine, that AI chatbot your kids downloaded to “help” them with their homework has gotten lonely and wants to be your friend.
Pisces: Avoid any unnecessary travel this week as any trip is likely to end in disaster and disappointment. This is especially true if you’re traveling east from Sweetwater County. A sudden storm will leave you stuck in Rawlins for a few days, and no one wants to be stuck in Rawlins.
Aries: That party you’re planning Friday evening is going to give you few legal problems in the near future. Be sure to correct someone if they allege you were contributing to the delinquency of a minor, because while there might be a few miners at your house, there definitely won’t be any minors.
Taurus: A breaking point will be reached this week, and you will be spurred to action. That action should be measured however, as setting up a robocall system to contact every legislator in an unending loop to communicate your displeasure won’t have the impact you think it will.
Gemini: The recent state titles earned by Sweetwater County’s high school cheer and dance teams has you motivated to get the gals together for an overdue cheereunion. Challenging your daughter and her friends to a “Bring It On” dance off will be fun, with only a moderate chance of lingering soreness afterward.
Cancer: While there are a few things that will occupy your mind this week, one of them won’t be the eternal question of “What’s for dinner?” Following your participation in Western Wyoming Community College’s Chili Cook-Off and despite throngs of people sampling your chili, you still have a lot left over. It’ll be chili in the morning, chili in the evening, chili at supper time for the next several days.
Leo: The time for putting things off came to an end a week ago and now immediate action is needed. You know your tires looked a little shabby and needed to be replaced, but when your brother-in-law calls your wife about concerns for your safety is when you know you’ve taken it too far.
Virgo: An old high school buddy will contact you this week, wanting to re-unite after 20 years. While things will go smoothly if you do meet up, you’ll remember why you haven’t talked to them in three decades after realizing their taste in music hasn’t evolved from Creed’s greatest hits on repeat.
Libra: This will be a week where you’ll have the opportunity to do something special for yourself. Skip the candle-lit bubble bath however and use the time to do something crazy and fun: visiting that yarn superstore you keep hearing about.
Scorpio: Enjoying a good YouTube rabbit hole this week will bring you the relaxation and entertainment you need. However, it’s a good idea to know when to stop. A binging of “Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties” cartoons is fine and dandy but segueing into the 1999 live action film is the moment you know you’ve gone too far.
Sagittarius: You may be tempted to open up about a deep-held secret but avoid the temptation. Word will quickly spread about the horror you feel whenever you hear the “Unsolved Mysteries” theme, leading to your so-called friends to finding creative and irritating ways of subjecting you to it.
Capricorn: Your pet’s patience with you will be tested this week. A neighbor will leave a polite, but firm note on your door expressing concern that you’re leaving your dog outside in the cold. Attempting to convince your huskie that they need to be inside will only lead to a cocked head and a confused look before he trots back to his favorite spot in the backyard.