LA BARGE – Joseph J. Sadler was southbound on US 189Â three miles south of La Barge when he failed to negotiate a left hand curve in the roadway.
The vehicles tires on the passenger side went off the right side of the roadway at which time Sadler over corrected the steering to the left. This caused the vehicle to go into a broadside slide counter clockwise as it crossed the roadway traveling over both lanes before going off the roadway on the left side. Once the vehicle left the roadway it rolled 3 1/4 times going through the right-of-way fence and coming to rest in a field. Sadler, who was not wearing a seat belt, was totally ejected from the vehicle during the rollover. The crash was not discovered until a passerby noticed the vehicle later in the morning at approximately 6;20 a.m.
Troopers will be investigating excessive speed and alcohol use as possible contributing factors in this fatal crash.