January 20 will be the date for Kari’s Access Awards 5th Annual Wine and Beer Tasting, a popular community event that supports local youth.
There will be live entertainment from the instrumental jazz group Affirmation, many unique silent auction items, wine and beer vendors, as well as appetizers.
Tickets at the door will be $35, but get them before the event for the package price of $60 for two. Tickets available at the RS Chamber, GR Chamber, the CAB (Central Administration Building), Marty’s, Liquor Depot, and Gateway Liquors.
At last year’s event, over $19,000 was raised to provide non-traditional scholarships for students of Sweetwater County School District #1.
Follow the Facebook event to stay updated.
The Kari’s Access Awards Committee Members would like to say “Thank You” to each & every one of you that has continued to help with their cause over the last several years.
The event will be held at the Holiday Inn Ballroom from 6-9pm. For questions, please contact Jessica at 307-871-6029 or Larry at 307-350-5267.
Kari’s Access Awards is an endowment fund started in 2006 in memory of Kari (Kay) Fusselman who was a student at Westridge Elementary, White Mountain Junior High, and Rock Springs High School.
The fund gives School District #1 students access to non-traditional scholarships. These scholarships allow students to participate in outside programs enhancing learning and personal growth beyond their daily school activities. Students must meet the requirements of the program based on attendance, grades, and need. You can find out more through the Sweetwater One Public School Foundation.
Kari’s Access Awards opens new opportunities to students; bringing out the best in each student one child at a time.”
– Larry Fusselman, Founder and Father of Kari