ROCK SPRINGS – The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency is hosting a parking lot clean up day Sept. 24 at 4 p.m.
The clean up takes place between 656 and 710 Pilot Butte Avenue. Volunteers will help with cleanup and painting in an effort to make the area more attractive. While supplies and materials will be provided, volunteers are encouraged to bring their own gloves and other equipment.
“We welcome anyone who wants to pitch in, many hands make light work,” Maria Mortensen, Main Street/URA board chairwoman said. “Whether you can stay for a short while or the whole event, your participation makes a huge difference.”
The initiative is part of the ongoing Wyoming Blocks Project. Wyoming Blocks is an educational tool and a platform to initiate community projects. Rock Springs was selected as part of the pilot project, which targets the 656-710 block of Pilot Butte Avenue.