Pacific Soda LLC (Pacific Soda) based in Green River, Wyoming has filed a regular mining permit application with the Land Quality Division of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality for mining of Trona in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. Pacific Soda is seeking to develop lands and construct facilities capable of generating soda ash and sodium bicarbonate using a solution mining methodology to target deep beds of trona. The project includes two primary components: 1) the Mine Site and 2) the Processing Facilities. The Mine Site will be located approximately 20 miles southwest of Green River, in Sections 22 through 27 and 35, T. 16N, R. 110W, and Section 30, T. 16N, R. 109W of the 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming. The Mine Site will be connected to the Processing Facilities via an access road, transmission line, and brine/condensate pipeline which will pass through parts of T. 16N, R. 110W; T. 17N., R. 110W.; T. 18N., R. 110W.; T. 18N., R. 109W.; T. 18N., R. 108W.; and T. 19N., R. 108W., 6th P.M. The Processing Facilities will be located about 8 miles west of Green River, in Section 3 through 9, T. 18N., R. 108W, 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming. A water intake, pipeline, and access road are planned from the Green River channel in Section 36, T. 19N., R. 108W with the pipeline and access roads passing through parts of T. 18N., R. 108W. and 19N., R. 108W., 6th P.M. to the Processing Facilities. The application may be viewed at the Cheyenne or the Lander Offices of the Land Quality Division. The application will be readvertised for public comment prior to approval by the Department of Environmental Quality.