“In 2020, 18.5% of adults in Wyoming smoked compared to the national rate of 15.5%”(Tobacco use in Wyoming, 2021)
If you or anyone you know is interested in quitting tobacco there are programs to help.
“The CDC estimates 46.1% of daily adult smokers in Wyoming quit smoking for one or more days in 2019 (Tobacco use in Wyoming, 2021).
Every quit is different, that is why the Wyoming Department of Health will work with you to make a customized plan, including a start date. “Wyoming’s state quit line invests $7.03 per smoker, compared to the national average of $2.28” (Tobacco use in Wyoming, 2021).
The Wyoming quit tobacco through Wyoming Department Health gives out free patches and gum/lozenges. They also work with you and a health provider to obtain prescription medication to help eliminate cravings. The program also comes with quit coaches and 24/7 support and tools. Triple your chance of quitting tobacco by enrolling in this program today.
Not only that, but Southwest Counseling also has a quitting nicotine program in Rock Springs, WY. This program works hand in hand with the Wyoming quit tobacco line. Anyone interested in quitting can contact Southwest Counseling to get patches and gum/lozenges right away. Southwest counseling will also help you contact the quit line and will supply nicotine products for two weeks while you wait for nicotine products in the mail.
“If you are interested, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for FREE coaching, patches and gum, and a personalized quit plan to help you quit tobacco for good” (Wyoming quit tobacco: 1-800-QUIT-NOW, 2022). Or visit Wyoming Quit Tobacco | 1-800-QUIT-NOW (quitwyo.org)
If you or someone you know is trying to quit nicotine or you want to learn more. Contact Shae Bell sbell@swcounseling.org or Andrew Hagemann ahagemann@swcounseling.org or call us (307) 352-6677. You can also visit our website to set up a meeting with us for nicotine products at www.sweetwaterpreventioncoalition.com
Tobacco use in Wyoming 2021. Truth Initiative. (n.d.). Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/smoking-region/tobacco-use-wyoming-2021
Wyoming quit tobacco: 1-800-QUIT-NOW. Quit Wyoming. (2022, November 23). Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://www.quitwyo.org/?gclid=CjwKCAiAkan9BRAqEiwAP9X6UZroUtxRk_frldx8sDfdrunA8Xaiv2bsppu0xNLYITxRc7TekFG_4RoCrKsQAvD_BwE