Do you have a desire to help your neighbor, to give back to your community or are you just looking for a new adventure?
If the answer is yes, then Sweetwater County Fire District #1 has just the thing for you.
They are currently recruiting for their training academy and the opportunity to become paid-per-call firefighters.
You can apply online
The application deadline is January 31st, 2025
Since 2010, Fire District #1 has provided an avenue for those interested in firefighting to get training locally while still being able to lead a normal, productive life. The district has once again announced they are beginning recruitment for this winter’s academy. The annual academy starts on February 25th, 2025. The academy will certify candidates to Wyoming State Pro-Board Firefighter I and Firefighter II. Once candidates successfully complete the academy, they will be allowed to respond with the agency on a paid-per-call basis.

The academy schedule is every Tuesday and Thursday from 1800-2200 hrs and every other Saturday for 11 weeks. Fire District #1 is implementing an exciting new academy format that will compress the academy to 11 weeks from the previous 21 weeks. They are looking for 10-15 recruits. Assistant Fire Chief Jake Ribordy said last year’s academy was very effective and efficient. Streamlining the Firefighter I and II curriculum has allowed the training program to add other advanced training throughout the calendar year. Ribordy said, “Being able to complete Firefighter I and Firefighter II in the same amount of time that we used to complete Firefighter I will open the door for more advanced training later in the year, such as Apparatus Driver/Operator or Rope Rescue Technician.”

The district started the academy over ten years ago with the hope of saving money while also providing a qualified team to keep the public safe. Providing consistency in response is essential to the community Fire District #1 protects. Ribordy said the consistent training of front-line firefighters was one of the biggest issues addressed by the academy. Ribordy said varying levels of training and understanding do not lend themselves to creating order out of chaos on a call.
“Having a full truck of trained firefighters is our No. 1 goal”.
-Assistant Fire Chief Jacob Ribordy

Another advantage to the academy is building team chemistry. Current firefighters at the district assist in the academy. Ribordy said it gives the new recruits a chance to learn and work next to those they will work with after the academy. It also gives the firefighters a look at, and understanding of the new recruits’ strengths and weaknesses.
How to Apply
Those interested in applying for the academy should submit a completed application online. Applications are available at Interested applicants must be over 18-years-old and pass a criminal background check.
Fire District #1 is looking for 10-15 participants; however, Ribordy urged those interested to get their applications in as soon as possible.
For more information on how to be a part of the upcoming academy, contact Sweetwater County Fire District #1.
3010 College Drive
Rock Springs, WY 82901
Phone: 307.362.9390

The Sweetwater County Fire District #1 (Fire District #1) fire department is also currently accepting applications and resumes for the position of Seasonal Firefighter.
This hiring is for our seasonal wildland fire program and is scheduled for 16 weeks beginning May 28th. Fire District #1 will hire up to eight staffed seasonal positions. The 2024 fire season will require wildland firefighters to deploy as a county-wide asset to wildland fires for suppression, digging fire lines, and mop-up, all requiring extensive amounts of hiking and physical labor.
Pay will be dependent on qualifications. Pay ranges from $20-$25.60/hour. Any successful applicant that does not hold requisite qualifications will be required to obtain qualifications through various training opportunities and hands-on experience offered at the beginning of the season. Additional training opportunities may be available for further certification. Fire District #1 offers many amenities to its employees including training/event space, gyms at both stations, training opportunities, and many others.
*Employment is not a full-time career position.
Applicants must be 18 years of age or older prior to the start date of May 28th . Please apply online at
Applicants must have a valid driver’s license.
*Job offers will be contingent upon a drug test, driving record check, criminal background check and successful completion of the NWCG Arduous Pack Test.