ROCK SPRINGS – One event the community looks forward to each year is the annual Holiday Parade. On Tuesday, the Rock Springs City Council approved this year’s parade route.
This year’s parade will hit historic downtown on Dec. 6 starting at 5:30 p.m. The council approved closing the route from 2 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. as participants will begin lining up at 3 p.m. at the top of C Street. The parade will start on the corner of C Street and Broadway.
The floats will travel down South Main, then turn right to E street, left to Broadway and then under the underpass and onto M Street.
From M street the floats will make a left to Pilot Butte, a left turn to K Street, followed by a right turn onto North Front. After traveling down North Front the parade will end at the corner of Elk Street and North Front. The floats will then disperse into the Vase Funeral Home parking area or over the A Street viaduct.
During the parade, the Rock Springs Historical Museum will be handing out hot chocolate and homemade cookies.
Another event which will run before and after the parade is Christmas in the Park. Residents can head to Bunning Park for hot chocolate or coffee while enjoying music by local youth and adults. There will also be local charities collecting coats, non-perishable foods and toys for less fortunate families.
After the parade, Santa will make his way to Bunning Park to meet local children.
Also on December 6th is the annual Mayor’s Tree Lighting ceremony. It will take place at 5 p.m. at Cannon Park located at the intersection of Elk and Grant Street. The Western Wyoming Jazz Ensemble will be filling the air with holiday songs.
There are also several other events to get residents in the holiday spirit. Councilwoman Glennise Wendorf gave the council a rundown of events during board reports. Starting on Nov. 29, the Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency will be hosting Santa Saturdays. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., residents can visit Santa at the historic train depot. Free gift wrapping is also available for items purchased from downtown merchants.
To help kick off Santa Saturdays, students from Independence High School will perform in Bank Court starting at noon.
The Festival of Trees will take place at the Broadway Theater Dec. 4 through Dec. 6. Item viewing will take place on Dec. 4 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. On Dec. 5 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be a silent auction and raffle. It will also be on Dec. 6 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Winners will be announced following the live auction which starts Dec. 6 at 7 p.m.
Also on Dec. 6, students from Mrs. D’s Musical Keys will be performing in Bank Court at noon followed by the Jingle Dancers at 1 p.m.
The SCM Parish Center will be performing Nativity – the Gift on Dec. 6. It starts at noon and goes until 5 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. There will be live performances, free soup and beverages and community nativity displays.
On Dec. 13, the Northpark Elementary Choir will perform at Bank Court at 1 p.m. Also on Dec. 13 at the Broadway Theater, Brad Fitch will bring his tribute show, A John Denver Christmas, to Rock Springs. The show is presented by the Rock Springs Kiwanis Club and donations will be accepted for admission.
On Dec. 19, the Broadway Theater will be showing Polar Express. Pajamas are encouraged and all children will receive a gift bag. There will also be a drawing for some special gifts and a visit from an extraordinary visitor. A second showing of the Polar Express will take place on Dec. 20 at 1 p.m.
Also on Dec. 20, It’s Showtime will perform at noon at Bank Court followed by the Jingle Dancers at 1 p.m.