RSHS’ Justice Battle Signs To Compete On Waldorf University’s Track and Field Team

RSHS’ Justice Battle Signs To Compete On Waldorf University’s Track and Field Team

Justice Battle signing their letter of intent. Courtesy photo from Casey Walker.

ROCK SPRINGS – Rock Springs High School track and field athlete, Justice Battle, signed her letter of intent to attend Waldorf University in Forest City, Iowa. She plans to compete in the throws for the team.

Battle also spoke on why she decided to attend Waldorf and she commented on the distance and opportunity it provides for herself.

I chose the school because it’s far far away from here and it gives me another chance to keep throwing.

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Battle is in her senior year at the high school and has had many memories to look back on with her track and field team at RSHS, but there is one that stands out for her.

When I was rooming with three other girls and none of us woke up on time for regionals so Miss Wiedle had to bang on our door and we had to rush out.

Battle also said she is going to miss all of the fun bus rides home from all their track meets.