Run with the Badges Promotes Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

Run with the Badges Promotes Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

The Sweetwater County Family Justice Center’s annual Run with the Badges 5K/10K race is coming up! Don’t miss this fun opportunity to run with local law enforcement in support of sexual assault and domestic violence awareness and prevention.

For the early registration discount, call 307-382-3124 before April 22.

Race Information

  • The race is Saturday, April 30, 2016, at 9 am
  • Same day registration is from 8-8:45 am
  • Race day registration cost – $30 5K, $35 10K
  • Pre-register by April 22 to receive a $5 discount

For further information, contact the Sweetwater County Family Justice Center at 307-382-3124 or stop by their office at 725 C Street in Rock Springs.

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Run with the Badges 5K 10K Race Route

Sweetwater County Family Justice Center Info

The Sweetwater County Family Justice Center focuses on the collaboration of multiple agencies to provide wrap-around services to victims of family violence. The FJC opened in 2012 and continues to be the first and only center of its kind in the state of Wyoming. This innovative approach provides the best victim services available, all in one location.

Under the umbrella of YWCA of Sweetwater County the FJC and Support and Safe House, formerly two separate programs, combined to better serve victims under one name, Sweetwater County Family Justice Center. Its partner agencies are the Green River Police Department, Rock Springs Police Department, Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Department, Department of Family Services, Southwest Counseling Services, Legal Aid of Wyoming, YWCA of Sweetwater County, Sweetwater County Victim Witness, Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County, and Sweetwater County Attorney’s Office.

Advocates staff a 24-hour crisis line as well as a safe house with immediate safety and basic necessities for victims and their non-offending family. Together with partner agencies, victims receive services they need, all in one location, increasing reporting and prosecutions. Centers are located at 725 C Street in Rock Springs and 26 N 1st E in Green River.

In 2015, the Support and Safe House partnered with the Rock Springs and Green River Police Departments for the annual Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention 5k/10k Run/Walk. Event coordinators are excited to have the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office and Wyoming Highway Patrol join the RSPD and the GRPD in sponsoring the 2016 race to bring awareness to sexual and domestic crimes in our communities.

The Family Justice Center advocates, partner agencies, and all law enforcement agencies work together in order to provide more comprehensive services to victims. Victim safety and well-being is a top priority at the Family Justice Center. As one of the first responders to victims, the RSPD, GRPD, Sheriff’s Office, and WHP work to ensure that victims’ needs are met and that advocates are available to assist.

The Sweetwater County Family Justice Center is funded in part by the Division of Victim Services, Wyoming Office of Attorney General and is a United Way Community Partner.

If you or someone you know is a victim of family violence, please call 307-352-1030 to speak with an advocate. Help is available 24 hours a day.

This event is sponsored in part by:

GRPD Fraternal Order of Police, RSPD Police Protective Association, Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office, WHP Association, YWCA, United Way, Sweetwater County Family Justice Center

