Santa to visit WWCC campus on Saturday, Dec. 6, ahead of Mustang men’s basketball game vs. Snow College

Santa to visit WWCC campus on Saturday, Dec. 6, ahead of Mustang men’s basketball game vs. Snow College

Parents invited to bring children to the Exercise Science and Wellness Building for photos with St. Nick

ROCK SPRINGS – Santa Claus is coming to the Western Wyoming Community College campus this Saturday, Dec. 6, at 4:30 p.m. to spread a little Christmas cheer.

At 4:30 p.m., prior to the start of the Mustang men’s basketball game vs. Snow College, Santa will make an appearance in the lobby of the new Exercise Science and Wellness Building. He will be available for free photos. Parents are encouraged to bring their children to visit with Santa and to stay for an enjoyable evening of college basketball featuring the 9-1 Mustangs!

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For more information on pictures with Santa, contact Athletic Director Lu Sweet at (307) 382-1740 or at