School Board will Discuss Replacing Retiring Superintendent

School Board will Discuss Replacing Retiring Superintendent

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ROCK SPRINGS — With Superintendent Kelly McGovern announcing her intent to retire, the Sweetwater County School District No. 1 Board of Trustees will start seeking her successor.

The first step in that process is working out a job description.

The board of trustees will meet Monday during their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 6 p.m. at the district’s Central Administration Building. A workshop is set to discuss the job description at 5 p.m. The board will also publicly discuss the hiring process its members plan to use during the meeting.

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According to a job description included with the board packet, the education requirements for the role are at least an educational specialist degree or master’s degree educational administration, but a doctoral degree is preferred. At least 10 years of experience in teaching and school administration is required.

The district will also consider changes to the meal balances policy, which aims to streamline how the district manages negative student meal balances. Amendments include removing language that a building principal and school councilor would be notified if a student’s balance reaches a negative amount to “understand the student and parent’s situation to determine if a free/reduced application is needed.” The changes also solidify a single policy across all students, where the original policy dealt with elementary students differently than junior high and high school students.

Project bids will be considered by the board as well. The board will determine if the district’s facilities department will seek bids for the interior painting of the trim, duct work, doors and possible door replacement in the Central Administration Building, as well as seek bids for exterior doors at Overland Elementary.

An update on the need for a new high school building is also scheduled. The board also plans to meet in an executive session to discuss legal and personnel issues.

The meeting can be viewed online through the district’s YouTube channel. The full agenda can be found here.