ROCK SPRINGS — Educating Rock Springs residents about suicide is something the Sweetwater County Prevention Coalition would like to continue doing. One way to get information out is by attending public meetings and that’s exactly what the coalition is doing tomorrow.
During the Rock Springs City Council’s September 15 meeting, at 7 pm at City Hall, the Council will listen to a presentation from Sweetwater County Prevention Coalition prevention specialists. The specialists would like to inform the city and Council about suicide in Sweetwater County and Wyoming and the prevention plan it has.
According to a PowerPoint presentation included in the Council’s packet, Wyoming has the highest suicide rate of any state with 25.2 deaths per 100,000 people. The national average is 14.8 deaths per 100,000 people. The ages with the highest suicide rates are males who are 75 years old and older and males between 40-44 years old.
The Coalition would like to raise community’s suicide awareness, decrease access to lethal means, such as gun locks or medicine bottle locks, and host group meetings. They are encouraging residents to look for warning signs, such as depression, substance abuse, reckless behavior, loss of hope or impulsive behavior, in family and friends. More details about their prevention plan will be discussed at the meeting.
Other Business
A public hearing is scheduled to take place to allow residents the opportunity to comment on the proposed Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) 2020 application. The JAG funds will be used to purchase emergency portable radio equipment for Rock Springs. This is a continuing project for combining communication capabilities for Sweetwater County.
The City of Rock Springs and Sweetwater County would like to combine funds for a total of $14,693 for the joint application by Rock Springs. The Council will take action on this issue under resolutions.
Under new business the Council will review a request from the Rock Springs Police Department for permission to apply for the 2021 EUDL Grant. This money will be used to enforce underage drinking laws.
The Council will also review life and health insurance benefits offered to city employees.
To review the complete agenda click here.