ROCK SPRINGS — Superintendent Kelly McGovern has announced that Sweetwater County School District No. 1 has been given the flexibility to help students with free meals until the end of the year.
The District will be offering free breakfast and lunch for all children in the community who are age 18 and younger. McGovern said the set up for this process will be a bit different than during the summer months, but meals will be free through December 31.
She added that parents will still need to complete free & reduced meal applications for free assistance with the Internet, waiving laptop fees, and other important funding determinations.
“Beginning tomorrow breakfast and lunch will be free for all District students. There’s nothing parents or guardians will need to do before tomorrow,” McGovern said. “Just know that the District will not be charging students for breakfast or lunch meals. This includes those who are currently receiving reduced or full-pay meals. They will all be free.”
There will also be opportunities for those age 18 and under and are not a student of the District. This could be the younger members of a family for example, 3 and 4-year-olds, and toddlers.
These breakfast and lunch meals will begin Tuesday, September 8. Families can pick up breakfast and lunch meals at Rock Springs High School from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. each day school is in session.
Younger children don’t need to be present, and breakfast and lunch meals can be picked up by parents or guardians. Parents will drive through on the east side of Rock Springs High School near the three-stall garage located on the corner of Cottonwood Drive and James Drive.
Meals will be provided to families without leaving their cars. McGovern encourages families to wear masks as the District continues to practice safety protocols when picking up meals. Sweetwater No. 1 is not responsible for food once it leaves the premises, so the District is reminding parents to take good care of the food and refrigerate any items that need be.
Free breakfast and lunch will help students with meals over the weekends too. These extra meals will be provided on Fridays to help with Saturday and Sunday.
“Although we won’t actually serve meals on Saturday and Sunday, we will have extra breakfast and lunch meals to help support our students and families over the weekend until meals resume the following Monday” McGovern said.
The weekend meals will begin on Friday, September 11. Weekend meals for enrolled District students and those others that are 18 and under will be available for pick up at RSHS from 12:30 – 1:30 pm.
Again, parents will drive through on the east side of the RSHS near the three stall garage located on the corner of Cottonwood Drive and James Drive. Similar to previously mentioned, weekend meals will be provided without leaving vehicles.
“We hope these opportunities are helpful as we navigate through new territory,” McGovern concluded.