Thank You from SWCSD#2 Transportation

Thank You from SWCSD#2 Transportation

SWCSD#2 Transportation Community Event

SWCSD#2 Transportation wants to thank the community for allowing us to be a part of the students’ education and day. Come out and see our three booths:

  1. Bus Exploration Booth: Experience the inside and outside of a bus and learn about the danger zones.
  2. Bus Route and Driver Information Booth: Parents can get information on upcoming bus routes and meet the drivers.
  3. Behind the Wheel Booth: Discover what it’s like to drive a bus and learn about career opportunities in Transportation.

Enjoy hamburgers, hotdogs, and kronskis while learning about transportation. There will also be a children’s area with face painting and coloring.

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August 6th
10 AM -2 PM


Parking lot off of Shoshone behind Lincoln Middle School.

We are excited to share with the community and extend our appreciation!

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