Third ‘Plein Air’ Competition Announced

Third ‘Plein Air’ Competition Announced

Photo by Eric Nielsen and graphic design by Kaylee Hughes

The Green River Arts Council and Community Fine Arts Center seeks competitors for the third Sweetwater County plein air competition. 

The term plein air comes from the French phrase “en plein air,” meaning out of doors. The term refers to painting finished artwork outdoors. Residents participating in the competition will paint views of the Scotts Bottom Nature Area in Green River on June 22. 

“Some painters use these studies to complete a larger work back in the studio, but the spontaneity and freshness of working on location has great appeal to both artists and art patrons,” Debora Soule, the CFAC’s director said.

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Later that day, the public will be invited to observe the artists at work and will be able to purchase the artwork created. A public reception will take place at the Sweetwater County Library in Green River to announce award winners as well. The event will be judged by artist Richard Burke.

“Artists have been painting ‘en plein air’ for centuries and holding this event highlights the beauty of our local landscapes and towns,” Bryce Castillon, a member of the Green River Arts Council said.

Artists interested in participating can register in person at the CFAC or through this link. Further information is available on the CFAC’s website.

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