WE Soda Ltd. Announces New Greenfield Soda Ash Project near Green River

WE Soda Ltd. Announces New Greenfield Soda Ash Project near Green River

GREEN RIVER — WE Soda Ltd, a Ciner Company, the largest global natural soda ash producer, is pleased to announce Project West, a new greenfield soda ash project in Southwest Wyoming. The project is near WE Soda’s Pacific Soda project near Green River.

The planned in-situ mining project at Project West, is also planned to be powered utilizing available renewable energy investment opportunities.

“With the addition of a further growth project in Wyoming, WE Soda has secured further product for our customer base in the long term,” WE Soda CEO Alasdair Warren said. “Together with our existing projects, we will be investing around $4 billion.”

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  • New greenfield project located near Green River, Wyoming, USA
  • scalable capacity over time to meet growing global demand
  • Export focused and targeting production before 2030
  • In-situ – targeting high quality deep beds that are not economical via conventional mining
  • Using renewable energy – solar, wind, solar steam,
  • 100% WE Soda, a Ciner Company
  • Better consumption efficiency of resources such as water, power and more…

“WE Soda’s Project West is unique – with private soda ash assets and 100 percent owned, a closed system for extraction using recycled water, and an already permitted port terminal for product exportation. By utilizing significantly less surface and underground footprint, better supply chain structure, WE Soda will enable and improve Wyoming’s natural soda ash to compete on a global scale that to date has been unrealized in the market,” Ciner US CEO Oguz Erkan said.

“We are supporting Wyoming soda ash to unleash its existing potential on a global scale. WE Soda will export significant volumes of Wyoming’s 2,000-year supply of soda ash worldwide and effectively compete against China’s synthetic product, while supporting global lithium and PV Solar glass investments,” Erkan said.